Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Planning for new versions of Morse Elmer

Well, granted I'm writing this basically for myself, but in case any users happen to check the blog...
I'm planning on several new version of Morse Elmer.  The QST article in January 2012 really spiked my downloads.  I've had numerous suggestions for features and several bugs pointed out.
So to keep everything straight here's how I'm going to proceed:

Soon version 1.2.1 will be released to addressed a couple of bugs.  The bugs are, for the most part, fairly innocuous but at least one involves a migration of the underlying database that stores all the training results... this is something that I don't want to mess up.  So just addressing the bugs in that release will be keep the headaches to a minimum

Next I'll start working on version 1.3 this will consist of several new features, including the much requested:  type on device while training.

Lastly, I'll then proceed to version 2.0 which will extend Morse Elmer to run universally on an iPad.
I have a few other tweaks I'll plan to include but those will be surprises :D

Below is a list of what I intend on including in each release:

1.2.1 (bug fixes)

  • attempting to insert a character at the beginning of a training causes the cursor to keep jumping to the end - JM 1/3/2012
  • progress edit page always shows 1 char even when set for something other than 1 - JT 9/20/11
1.3 (new features)
  • support local character sets - HG 1/26/12
  • support training for a user supplied file/URL, etc - JM 1/10/12
  • support typing in a separate window while training - JM 1/3/12
2.0 (universal app)
  • Universal App

I can't promise when I'll have these versions ready, but I'm kinda itching to get some of this resolved, so hopefully soon.

Thanks to everyone whose provided feedback.
