Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Morse Elmer does have a user(s)

I received an email today from a Morse Elmer user!! (yes they do exist...)
He was reporting a bug... a field isn't displaying properly in the Progress/Edit view...
The second field "XX chars" is suppose to show how many characters were in your training set...
It currently shows 1 all the time... the user was using the Default Training Set.

this is a hold over from version 1.1, when there was only 1 training set.
Now I have multiple training sets... and each set has a num chars used field... because you might be training with 13 characters in the default set, but only 2 characters in the prosigns set, etc...

so what to do now... I have only one field in the database for this, but two value to store.
I can actually get the the two values into a single field, but what to do with all the values everyone already has stored in the Morse Elmer DB...?!

I get to release a new version that now has to include a CoreData Migration something or other...
upgrade everyone's db to the new format.  bleh...

Well it's something to work on.

This user also made a couple of other suggestions, some of which I'll include in the next release as well.

hmmm off to do some Core Data Migration reading.... >.<