Friday, February 25, 2011

What's new in Version 1.1

Version 1.0 shipped with at least one known issue, imperfect audio rendering. I also had ideas about variable frequency and only a single Training set, but I decided to run with what I had and see what the reaction was.
So far I think the reaction has been favorable, but several reviewers reinforced my concern about some of the known issues.
So with version 1.1 I've improved the audio rendering, hopefully to a level that will satisfy everyone using the app. Additionally I've added the ability to change the frequency of the audio that is generated. Lastly I've diversified the training sets... in addition to the primary training set that shipped with 1.0 I've added training sets that just contain letters, numbers, prosigns and punctuation.
I've had thoughts and requests about adding a capability to train using sample QSO's, but that will have to wait until the next version.

Introductory Post

Well I've had a couple of dozen people download Morse Elmer and I just submitted version 1.1 to the App Store. I decided to include a blog on the outside chance I had anyone with questions or suggestions.